Saturday, August 10, 2024

Showbiz stars who could not live long after the children left

Children are the heartbeat of parents … where this heartbeat reaches the slightest heat, parents forget to live … most of the stars of showbiz turned away from the world after the death of their children. …

Sanbal shahid

Actress Sanbal Shahid was the most mischievous and funny of all her sisters. His voice was also very good … She smiled every moment … But one evening of life forced him to smile and forget the meaning of life. The accidental death of his eldest son broke him … Their immune system began to collapse. After Corona, he gave up the courage to live … She was fighting for her life but lost her courage. And finally, within two years of her son’s death, she too moved in with him.

Omar Sharif

Emperor Zarafat Omar Sharif passed away recently. Apparently it’s the death of a star, but it’s actually the death of a father … The death of his young Ladley daughter broke him … He was in the United States when he found out that the daughter had reached the ventilator. … But while he was on the plane, his daughter passed away. They kept going all the way … He said that those cycles had become a part of his life till today.

Jamil fakhri

Jameel Fakhri, the owner of a very wonderful personality, was seen melting in the grief of his young son. When he received the news that someone had killed his dearest child outside the country, he would not come to China for a moment. He was so tormented that even the onlooker would become restless. And in that anxiety he passed away.

Talat Iqbal

Actor Talat Iqbal was always seen smiling whenever everyone saw him … After the death of his wife, he raised the three children with a smile and took them out of the country so that the treatment of his youngest daughter would be possible. But some time ago, his daughter also passed away. Everyone thought that maybe Talat Iqbal would endure this pain but he could not bear this pain even for a few days and went to his daughter.



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