Sunday, July 7, 2024

How veteran actress Munazzah Arif Showbiz star from teacher

Pakistan’s versatile actress Manza Arif has appeared in various dramas in strong roles like mother or sister-in-law and everyone has liked her because of her excellent acting, which is why she has a good reputation in a very short time. Has received The actress has two sons, one of whom recently appeared in Nada Yasir’s program, although the eldest son stays away from the media but is also an excellent chef.

Actress Manza used to be a school teacher in the past. She says: “I was very nervous all the time, scared, always away from home I was scared, then I participated in various programs, practiced in an empty hall, my husband supported me and also participated in various small stage role and speech competitions and thus I moved forward in my life with trembling eyes. Growing up, all these things made me and change began to come. I belong to a family where 80% of the people belong to schools and educational institutions. After getting my master’s degree, I got married and within a year my first child came and then I started teaching in the school.

Manza adds: “When I started teaching at the school, the principals were very good at the time. They also encouraged me to move on. If it weren’t for her, I probably wouldn’t even think of moving on.” But then I agreed to teach primary class 4, the first day, the second day went well, but there were so many energetic kids in class 4 that I just couldn’t handle the kids, I went home and said that I now I will never teach, I went to the wrong place, then the next morning my husband asked if I will not go to school, so I said no, I will go and then I went to school, I met the principal, I said it is not happening to me. ,

“Take a professional course and watch your peers and observe it, then I understand how to teach and it’s a long story,” he said. ”

Six years later I became the principal of the school and for 6 years I ran a big school myself, participated in drama programs in college, my husband took my children to the Arts Council to perform and gave the children the opportunity to Do what you have to do, my children have been doing theater from the beginning, and while auditioning that day, someone asked my husband in 2007 to ask my sister-in-law to do a small role and then from here I started working in the world of acting. I started and so I got opportunities and my husband gave me the opportunity to go so far that I can’t thank him enough.



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